Professional Liability
Professional liability coverage protects attorneys against charges of negligence or of wrongfully executed acts that cause monetary damages or undue injury to clients. Legal malpractice can apply to any field of law.
Why It’s Important
It is estimated that 5 percent to 6 percent of all private attorneys face legal malpractice charges each year. Defending against these charges is often more expensive than the cost of legal malpractice insurance.
How We Can Help
Virginia Bar Association Insurance (VBAI) represents professional liability carriers that are financially stable and have a reputation for superior service in claims handling and risk management assistance. These carriers are all highly rated by A.M. Best and have a high commitment to business in Virginia. VBAI also works with a selection of carriers that provide coverage to attorneys who do not qualify for coverage in the standard market.
This means that you and your firm will have the coverage and service you need.